The YPA collection holds hundreds of oral history interviews, materials, and oral history remix projects focused on how individuals try to make sense of notions of difference, who they are globally and the values, norms, and beliefs that define dominant cultures.

YPA producers learn how to conduct oral histories using our engaged interviewing and radical listening approaches. The methods teach producers to listen beneath the words people say to expose larger themes around gender and masculinity, race and social class, religion, sexuality, and ability. Producers then orchestrate aesthetic, audio essays that illustrate the social, political, and economic dilemmas individuals and the people closest to them experience.

The YPA oral history and remix process, as Lisa Arrastia, PhD, emphasizes, “disrupts notions of difference because producers, their narrators, and the public are provided a way in to listen across difference with the effect being that they listen to understand.”

Listen to some sample 1-Minute Audio Diaries and oral history remixes below, and if you want to hear more, connect with YPA.

Audio Block
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